Organizations and Aesthetics
Shrivastava and team reviewed links between aesthetics and organization-based experiences. They report that “Beauty can . . . bring value to organizational life . . . Aesthetics brings joy and happiness to people through sensitive processes and perceptions. . . . Positive emotions are strongly related to people motivation and with their ability to perform at work (Warren et al., 2009; Yin et al., 2014). . . . Aesthetically designed products are often linked to increased utility [usefulness]. . . .
Work environments offering [health and wellness] services are often styled with beautiful art pieces, pleasing designs, and charming sceneries to let people feel the pleasure and the wellness. The processes by which beauty works and the value chain of beautiful acts can lead to greater overall wellness in employees. Google is well-known for creating an aesthetically pleasing work environment, which translates to documented health benefits among many of their employees.”
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